Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valkyrie: Battle

Getting more cards is a must, the many the merrier as they say. let's go through ways on how to get more cards.
After tapping battle on the menu interface you will see all the battle tabs.

Here you have Duel, story chronicle,  event chronicle, and archwitch  you can get a card in all of these.

Story Chronicle and Event Chronicle:

Both campaign has the same goal which is to clear all stages and areas. Story chronicle takes you to Celestial Realm where it tells you the story of the game. This campaign is important because there are a lot of things in the game that can only be unlock once you cleared a specific area in the Story chronicle and you'll also get a chance to get some of the first Valkyrie cards there. For the event chronicle it varies every month, the game will give you theme based event to participate on. The event chronicle gives you a good chance of getting URs' and SRs' card and rewards too once you completed the event.

Like Area Rewards After you defeated the boss in an area.

And Progress Point Reward everytime you advance in the Event chronicle you will receive a corresponding points once accumulated and reaches a specific sum of points you will get a reward of what its equivalent to, automatically.

Subdue the Archwitches

Getting UR and SR cards through Archwitch hunting is the most popular thing to do to get good  Valkyries. You encounter them whenever you do campaigning on Event chronicle. There are two kind of witch the Archwitch and the Fantasy Archwitch. Archwitches will vary according to the event every month.

The most commom you encounter is the archwitch which are level 1~200, these Archwitches are easy to subdue as long has you have those Valkyries with critical damage and attack buffer skills.

Fantasy Archwitches are those with level 300 and has millions of Hp it is encountered randomly after you won over a regular Archwitch. Besides fighting the Archwitch itself you will also have to subdue two minions beside her, you will really need high level cards in your unit to subdue this one. It is advisable to join an active Alliance so you can get help anytime. Also you can get 1 of the Archwitch card 100% after filling up their heart meter.

Here is the heart meter you fill a bit of a heart everytime you defeated an archwitch it's the same with the fantasy's heart meter.
After you defeat them you get to open the chest reward.

For Archwitch chest are random N to R and Arcana cards while fantasy card can give you random N, R, SR and UR and arcana cards. Once you fill all heart the chest will give you that Archwitch's card.

Your friends or called comrade can also send you Archwitch requests. It'll be a good chance to subdue more Archwitch which increases your chance of getting good Valkyrie cards.

Got deafeated by your archwitch? Don't fret there is no penalty for that it still is a win-win situation. See the image below as soon as after you got defeated you will see the "reinforcement" button to send your friends archwitch request to fight for you.

But you get to choose limited number of friends or comrad so I suggest to send your archwitch request those who has higher valkyries to defeat it.

Limited Enemy

Here is another type of witch encounter and this is rarely seen on Event campaigns It maybe seen in special events. See the difference in the image below

Here instead of filling up a Heart meter  you will need to increase the drop rate which will increase everytime you defeated the limited enemy card but there is a limited time only you will have to increase the drop rate before the time runs up or your drop rate will be reseted.

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