Friday, May 29, 2015

Valkyrie: Card 2

Afrer collecting Valkyrie cards what's next?
Then it's time to make them stronger.

Valkyrie's Level Cap

Now besides the Valkyrie's ranking you will also see that they have to level up. Leveling them with battles just won't do because it'll take forever. If you go to Upgrade tab you can do leveling of Valkyries much faster there.

Here you need to drag the card which you want to level up. Now I have here a Slime Girl card. The Slime girl card has a purpose of leveling up your high ranked Valkyries faster, because it receives exp twice.


Now you can use all of those N cards you collected all this time And Maxed out the Slime Girl card.

Here's the level cap of each Valkyrie rankings.

Now you also need Arcana cards to max up the cards much faster and consume little of slime card as possible since they don't come by at all times. As explained earlier Training and Blessing Arcanas increases the experience that the card receives so We use them all of the time whenever we do an upgrade.
So how many Slime Girl Card do you need in upgrading each Valkyrie ranks?

1 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 40 SR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas     

2 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 60 HSR card
Pluss Blessing and Training Arcanas

1 Maxed out level 40 SR card = Maxed out level 70 UR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas
4 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 70 UR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas

1 Maxed out level 40 SR Card = Maxed out level 80 HUR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas
10 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 80 HUR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas

1 Maxed out level 40 SR card = Maxed out level 70 GSR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas
4 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 70 GSR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas

1 Maxed out level 40 SR card = Maxed out level 90 GUR card
Plus Blessing and Training Arcanas
15 Maxed out level 30 Slime Card = Maxed out level 90 GUR card
Plus Blessing and Training card

Friday, March 6, 2015

Valkyrie: Battle 2

War Trophy

While advancing in the Story chronicle and Event Chronicle along the way you may encounter and receive war trophies or sacred relic. A war trophy is an item to collect for you to get a Valkyrie card in the Duel Section of the Battle tab and the item changes every event.

This is what you see after tapping on Duel. This is where you can see the trophies that you obtained in the Event chronicle and Story Chronicle. Most likely you can be able to get 4-5 trophies on the chronicles and for the rest of the item you must duel players.
Here you can choose the player that you want to fight as you can see you will be able to view their level attack and defense points which is the total points of all the cards in that player's unit waiting for you. What's important here is checking the number of soldiers, the number of soldiers is referring to the combined hp of all the cards in the Unit. Why is it important?

Since you can choose your opponent choose those who have a lower number of soldiers than yours, by tapping the update button it will give you another set of 6 players in the game. Be wary even if you see 5 soldier in their unit it might still be a strong group of UR and or SR cards but you'll still have a good chance to win since you get the first turn and you have a higher soldier count so that's why you must put all your excess cards that has a damage to all skill in your attack unit 3 so you can win in one turn.

Once you have completed collecting all of the relics you can now be able to get those R Cards. The cards Varies according to the Event that changes monthly.

All Valkyrie cards here are rank R and what's special about this is you can get that Metal slime. As you can see here you have 3 chest to open in every event you can also get the cards on the previous events. The first and the 3rd chest is where you can get two R Valkyries so you can combine it to HR after completing. the 2nd chest is where you can get the Metal Slime card which is important for you to get the Medal Girl card. I will explain in the next posts why.


There is one more thing that you can find inside the Event Chronicle so besides receiving cards, Archwitches encounter and obtain trophies you can also get a chance of opening the Witch gate.

The Witch gate is a campaign where you encounter all witches, the chance of getting SR ang UR Valkyrie cards here is higher and another reason to go is to collect these stones for awakening.

Inside the witch gate you'll be seeing achwitch, fantasy archwitch, limited/rare enemy and the black archwitch. You've seen all those three and this black one is like a fantasy archwitch that'll have 2 minion beside it why I called it black archwitch well just look at the image below, that is what you'll see whenever you encounter one.

And this is how it looks like inside.

The difference from the other campaign is you can't stay in the Witchgate for a long period of time. As you can see you only have a little of time to spend here, once your time is up you need to wait for another Witchgate encounter.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valkyrie: Battle

Getting more cards is a must, the many the merrier as they say. let's go through ways on how to get more cards.
After tapping battle on the menu interface you will see all the battle tabs.

Here you have Duel, story chronicle,  event chronicle, and archwitch  you can get a card in all of these.

Story Chronicle and Event Chronicle:

Both campaign has the same goal which is to clear all stages and areas. Story chronicle takes you to Celestial Realm where it tells you the story of the game. This campaign is important because there are a lot of things in the game that can only be unlock once you cleared a specific area in the Story chronicle and you'll also get a chance to get some of the first Valkyrie cards there. For the event chronicle it varies every month, the game will give you theme based event to participate on. The event chronicle gives you a good chance of getting URs' and SRs' card and rewards too once you completed the event.

Like Area Rewards After you defeated the boss in an area.

And Progress Point Reward everytime you advance in the Event chronicle you will receive a corresponding points once accumulated and reaches a specific sum of points you will get a reward of what its equivalent to, automatically.

Subdue the Archwitches

Getting UR and SR cards through Archwitch hunting is the most popular thing to do to get good  Valkyries. You encounter them whenever you do campaigning on Event chronicle. There are two kind of witch the Archwitch and the Fantasy Archwitch. Archwitches will vary according to the event every month.

The most commom you encounter is the archwitch which are level 1~200, these Archwitches are easy to subdue as long has you have those Valkyries with critical damage and attack buffer skills.

Fantasy Archwitches are those with level 300 and has millions of Hp it is encountered randomly after you won over a regular Archwitch. Besides fighting the Archwitch itself you will also have to subdue two minions beside her, you will really need high level cards in your unit to subdue this one. It is advisable to join an active Alliance so you can get help anytime. Also you can get 1 of the Archwitch card 100% after filling up their heart meter.

Here is the heart meter you fill a bit of a heart everytime you defeated an archwitch it's the same with the fantasy's heart meter.
After you defeat them you get to open the chest reward.

For Archwitch chest are random N to R and Arcana cards while fantasy card can give you random N, R, SR and UR and arcana cards. Once you fill all heart the chest will give you that Archwitch's card.

Your friends or called comrade can also send you Archwitch requests. It'll be a good chance to subdue more Archwitch which increases your chance of getting good Valkyrie cards.

Got deafeated by your archwitch? Don't fret there is no penalty for that it still is a win-win situation. See the image below as soon as after you got defeated you will see the "reinforcement" button to send your friends archwitch request to fight for you.

But you get to choose limited number of friends or comrad so I suggest to send your archwitch request those who has higher valkyries to defeat it.

Limited Enemy

Here is another type of witch encounter and this is rarely seen on Event campaigns It maybe seen in special events. See the difference in the image below

Here instead of filling up a Heart meter  you will need to increase the drop rate which will increase everytime you defeated the limited enemy card but there is a limited time only you will have to increase the drop rate before the time runs up or your drop rate will be reseted.

Valkyrie: Card 1

Before heading to battle you need to choose your valkyries who will fight for you. To get there you need to tap on Edit Unit.

Do you see the card cost above the slots? The card cost tells you  how many cards you can have in one unit. And also you should have a maximum of 5 card slots, if you only have 3 then i suggest read Valkyrie: Expansion 2

Here's an example of how it works. Check that Hiderigami card, it's unit cost is 62. whenever you place a card to a slot you will be able to see the total card cost of all equipped cards on that Unit which is shown on the left unit cost while the maximum card slot on the right and you can't put in more than what's on right. This will probably limit you on adding those good cards that you have, if that is your case then I suggest to read on Valkyrie: Expansion 2 to see how you can increase your unit cost besides leveling.

See the units here, you'll have 4 Unit at your disposal. 3 units for attack and 1 for defense. What we do here is we seperate the cards from their purpose. What you see on Attack unit 1 are cards that do critical damage and buffers of attack damage stat. This unit is for subduing an archwitch here you need cards that can do more damage, Valkyries here are those that can land one good hit on the archwitch. The attack unit 2 is where I put all Valkyrie cards that can do Aoe or damage to all, because this unit is for campaign where you would want one card that can annhilates all enemy cards in one turn for faster advancing and lesser damage to your unit less cost as well for recovery. While I keep the Attack unit 3 for duels. Your Valkyrie cards on your Defense unit are the ones being attacked whenever there is an Alliance battle.

Here are the rankings of Valkyrie cards.

UR card is the highest rank among Valkyrie cards and most formidable when awakend. Once you combine UR cards it will give you a HUR card while awakened cards are GUR.

SR card is the second highest card rank these cards can turn the tide on every battle. The same with UR you can combine it with other SR cards then it will give you HSR and GSR when awakened.

N and R cards are  the most common card you can get and when combined it gives you HN and HR cards. These cards are use for leveling and boosting stats of UR and SR cards.

There is another kind of card used for upgrading or evolving your Valkyrie cards.

These are Arcanas' used for upgrading and evolving. On those four Arcana  cards above  the Arcana Strong defense, Force attack and Training are used for upgrading while Arcana Succession is used for evolving Valkyrie cards. What it does is as what it says on the image. More explanataion on it on Valkyrie: Card 3.

This group has Arcana's Blessing which is used for upgrading. The Arcana Stability, Strong turn over and turn over are used for evolving. Stability as it says there prevents evolusion accident meaning the card evovles to something else usually it evolves to what the Valkyrie is opposite to thrTurn over arcana can help you make that happen. Letting the card had an evolution accident can make or break them since it will not only change how the card looks but its skill as well.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valkyrie: Expanding 2

Look at the number of card's here.. 

Did you notice that you have 2 cards locked? Starters would have 3 cards per attack unit including the defense unit. If you do have locked card slot then you need to build an Arena for your attack unit and a Fort for your defense to unlock those slots per level.

That will help you do more damage on your campaign and archwitch hunting.

By now with all of those campaigning and having a maximum card slot you might be having problem with two things,  your Valkyrie card's recovery and or unit cost. Since you don't have yet high cards that can land one hit to all of your card's enemy most of the time your unit will end up annhilated which takes up most of your resources. Or you want to put in all those strong cards but it just can't fit in with the current unit cost that you have. You should know by now that you can only put in those cards that can fit in on your unit cost which is troublesome if you have higher cards. If you don't know what I'm saying i suggest to read the Cards post.Valkyrie: Card1

You need to build these to solve your problem.

The Parliament building will help you reduce the recruitment cost at 10% on lvl 10 max. You can build a maximum of 3 which gives you 30% less cost.
While those Barracks helps you add unit cost. It'll give you +46 unit cost on lvl 10 max. A maximum of 3 Barracks can be built. That will add 138 on your unit cost.

Valkyrie: Expanding

It's important to expand your territory and buy usefull structures. Structures that buff your cards, adds vitality and battle points, decreases unit recuitment cost etc. so you will need a lot of spaces to build all of those structures. I suggest to start with building more Ether furnace, Farms and Iron works while buying new areas and upgrade your store houses as well because as you buy more areas the more expensive it gets. The first image below is the resouces structure and the second image is the store houses have them upgraded to lvl 7 or 8 Is a good start.

Besides building resources structure I suggest to build a workshop as well.
As you notice this hammer icon below shows you how many structure you can build at a time.

Building the workshop will add 1 point. You can buy a total of 2 more workshop using your resources but after that it'll cost 1000 gems.

Now with your 3 workshop you can build and upgrade much faster but you might be getting frustrated with your little vitality points advancing on your campaigns takes forever, if your doing an event campaign the archwitches appearance is eating away your vitality without getting you nowhere. So i suggest after building the workshop build the great temple.

This will give you +33 vitality on lvl 10, you can build a maximum of 3 that's a great boost on your vitality.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valkyrie Crusade

What is Valkyrie Crusade?

Valkyrie Crusade is an online card game based on Nores Myth's Valkyrie which connects from a japanese server and is played globaly. Your Valkyries will fight for you in your quest to be stronger. Game play wise it's pretty much balance for those who just started and pros, which is important to keep the game alive. The game always offer something new every month, they always held theme based event that gives you endless opportunity to get a good card and make your front line and defense card stronger. Personaly at first I got addicted on decorating my kingdom then got fond of collecting cute cards. While most of my friends wants to win on battles.

Here you command a unit of Valkyries, a maximum of 5 Valkyrie card will fight for you. You'll command their attack when and who to attack the gameplay is like how a typical rpg is played you take turns in attacking with the enemy.

Now for the Basics:

Now here's what you see after tapping game start button.This is Oracle she will be assisting you througout the game she'll explain to you how the game works and if there's anything new and also gives you some tips while she's loading the game for you. You can also see her as a Valkyrie Card.

Your kingdom:

After seeing Oracle and setting up your name and your kingdom's name  you will be then now be at your kindgom.

This is Hubby's kingdom it took me several hours decorating to make it look awesome. You will be given one of each structure for resources ether furnace for ether, farm for gold and iron works for iron and each of it's storehouses as well. Now the number and level of your storehouses will determine the maximum capacity of resources that you can collect, and it's up to you how you use it to strengthen your valkyries and expand your kingdom. You can also buy a lot of useful and decorating things at the store you can go there by tapping the blue "build" button on the left corner button of the screen.

Change name and kingdom name:

Sudden change of heart? It's ok. Almost every players on this game do so or even add "on" or "off" on names so their friends would now right away that they are online. Here's how to change your kingdom's name.
Now look for your castle, tap on it once the menu shows below your screen tap on options.

For the name change tap on the menu then swipe the screen to the right and tap on settings. You will see three tabs there, tap on account tab.

Monday, February 9, 2015

More introduction

Basic Info:
Born on January 29, 1987.
Year of the Rabbit
Black Hair
Happily Married

Interested in:
Fantasy books
Manga and Anime
Games (more on rpg, less on hack slashing games and sucks at fps)
Drawing (Average needs more practice)
Nature tripping (I just got started, so far traveled few local places)


Why make a blog when you can post almost everything on Facebook?
Because I want to express my feelings more. 
> . <
More than that I think it would be fascinating to look back after decades, it's like opening a book with so much details taking me back like a time machine.

I'm living with Husband, my 1year old child, my Mom, my Sister and two Brother.
8 years ago I promised to myself that I will take care of everyone and that I will never let Mom cry again. At those times her heartbreak causes her tears everynight and financial problem became a burden. Nevertheless everything has changed Hubby and I ow and my Mom is happier and i will continue to do so till were older.

I started gaming since 7yrs old. It started with Super Mario then to Pokemon, Final Fantasy, devil may cry, then until online and handheld console games was born. Ragnarok was my first Online game but after paying alot of cards just to play the game I quit and ventured to different mmos'. I even played Lan games like Warcraft or Nsf for a while but never did I liked those Fps games though i tried but it got my head and stomache turning upside down after an hour. Then handheld console device's prices swoop down I even had bought 5 handheld consoles, 1 nds and 4psp. Why? -_-" unluckily psp's parts are fragile like the analog stick are easily worn out most likely if you have a lot of parts needed it'll be cheaper to buy a new one. But today phones are so innovated you get to do everything on it rather than buying any gaming devices. So thats how it come to be.

Most probably most of my post will be about my online games! :3